Blend Away with Oil Pastels!

Project Title: Pastel Blending Description: Students make leaves and cornucopias with pastels Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school Historical Art Examples or References: Images of the leaves and cornucopias Vocabulary: blending, highlights, pastels Materials: pastels, white paper, scrap paper Anticipatory Set: Discussion on blending Demo/Directions:  1. …

The Chameleon that found out he wanted to be himself!

 children draw self portraits and what they like. Then write what like as per their drawing. Author: Liza Grade Level or Target Age Range: Preschool to early elementary Historical Art Examples and References: “The Mixed-Up Chameleon”  By Eric Carle Vocabulary: circle, “u” Materials: glue, scissors, construction paper, lined paper Anticipatory …

Cartooning with Construction Paper!

Project Title: Cartooning with Construction Paper! Description: Students create cartoon images of themselves Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: middle school (Penn Treaty School) Historical Art Examples or References: Cartoons Vocabulary: simplification, expression Materials: face cutout, pencils, reference images, glue, scissors, construction paper, color pencils Anticipatory Set: Discussion on facial features …

Masks Made Simple with Free Template

Free Mask Template: See PDF download button below Project Title: Masks Made Simple with Free Template Description: Students create and decorate a paper mask  Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool to middle school (Towey Recreation Center) Vocabulary: Symmetry Materials: Paper, scissors, yarn, crayons, hole puncher Anticipatory Set: Discussion …

Bats and the Magic of Stencils Using Pastels!

Project Title: Bats and the Magic of Stencils Using Pastels! Description: Students use pastels over bats stencils to create two bat pictures Author: Liza Grade Level or Target Age Range: Preschool to early elementary (Fishtown Recreation Center) Historical Art Examples or References: N/A Vocabulary: Bats, Stencils, Symmetry, Positive and Negative …

Hungry Paper Monsters: Art Project to Recycle Scrap Paper

Project Title:  Monster Art Project Recycles Scrap Paper (Our Hungry Paper Monsters Teach, Talk and Eat All Our Scrap Paper, too!) Descriptions: Students glue shapes to make a silly monster on paper folded to form a mouth. Author: Liza  Grade Level: Preschool to early elementary Historical Art Examples or References: Where …