Cartooning with Construction Paper!

Project Title: Cartooning with Construction Paper!

Description: Students create cartoon images of themselves

Author: Francesca

Grade level or Target Age Range: middle school (Penn Treaty School)

Historical Art Examples or References: Cartoons

Vocabulary: simplification, expression

Materials: face cutout, pencils, reference images, glue, scissors, construction paper, color pencils

Anticipatory Set: Discussion on facial features and the simplification of them through cartooning.

Demo/Directions: (Roughly plan amount of time it takes to do each procedure)

1. learn how different expressions can be drawn

2. draw face features

3. cut out hair of construction paper

4. cut out a shirt of construction paper

5. glue together the face, hair, and outfit

6.  decorate the shirt with color pencils

Discussion: Life applications; how the lesson might apply to non-art related experiences or other types of knowledge.

  1. How do you simplify facial features?
  2. How do you convey expressions

Instructional Reflection: Cartooning was a great way to explain how to do portraiture because of proportions. It also helped students understand how to simplify facial features and develop a cartooning style. It explores student’s individual creative lens. It also helps students learn about different expressions.