Anyone Can Be an Artist, It All Begins with a Dot!

Image by Public Domain Pictures, License: CC0 Public Domain Your Destination: Inspired by the Peter Reynolds book, “The Dot,” create a dot masterpiece by gluing pre-cut circles in various sizes and colors onto paper.  On the Path: STEP #1: Prepare the dots and frames. Using circle hole punches in various …

Impresión de Hojas

Picture by ASI (Translation by ASI Volunteer, Yesenia Huetter) Título del Proyecto: Impresión de Hojas Descripcion:  Grabado con las hojas del otono Author: Mary Hager  Nivel o Rango de Edad: Preescolar  Vocabulario: Otono Materiales: Papel de construcción grande, tinta lavable, hojas recogidas del exterior, rodillos de tinta, y placa de …