What’s In Your People House? – Drawing Lesson Plan

Image from ASI Lesson Book-3, (Expanding the Creative Mind through Mixed Media), by Madeleine Smith Pathway #1: Draw Your Home Your Destination: Homes come in all shapes and sizes. Using horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines draw your home and what you see inside it. Travel Kit: Paper Pencil Pen, markers, …

Try This Family Finger Puppet Handout

This finger puppet handout is part of a lesson inspired by the popular children’s nursery rhyme, “Family Finger Song.” The template for making these finger puppets requires only scissors, a drawing utensil, and tape.https://youtu.be/4zLBxY3uL8oFollow along with our Youtube tutorial for instructions on how to make your own family of paper finger puppets and use them to sing along …

Mindful hands and Patterns Art Lesson

Repetition refers to one object or shape repeated, while pattern is a combination of elements or shapes repeated in a recurring and regular arrangement. Patterns appear in many art forms around the world, from geometric motifs to symmetrical patterns on blankets to the contemporary art designs. Every culture has its own distinct …