William Grant Still: The Dean of African-American Classical Composers

William Grant Still by: Carl Van Vechten | Public Domain   William Grant Still was known as the “Dean of African-American Classical Composers.” He had a renowned career as a composer who broke many racial barriers in classical music.  Still was born on May 11, 1895, in Woodville, Mississippi. He was raised in Little …

Jell-O Creatures

** This Project Requires Parental Supervision** There is an instructional video at the bottom of the page. Objective: Encourage cooking and baking while also playing  Materials:   Pre-made Jell-O or Jell-O packets  Cookie Cutters or the Jell-O Monsters Handout Cookie Cutter Directions Step 1: Using either pre-made Jell-O or if using Jell-O packets follow the directions …

William Dawson: Choral Composer

William L. Dawson. Picture: Tuskegee University William Levi Dawson was born on September 26, 1899, in Anniston, Alabama. At age 13, he ran away from home and studied music at the historically Black school, the Tuskegee Institute under Booker T. Washington. He was part of the school’s band and orchestra, and he composed music …

Sort the Shapes Lesson Plan

Objective: Learn different shapes.  Materials:  Shape Sorting Handout  Scissors   Markers/Crayons/Colored Pencils   Step 1: Download and print the Shape Sorting Handout   Step 2: Color the shapes different colors  Step 3: Cut the shapes out  Step 4: Scatter the shapes around you   Step 5: Begin sorting the shapes into categories, or by colors   Senses Engaged:   Sight   Touch Share …

Hazel Scott: Piano Prodigy and Civil Rights Activist

  Hazel Scott was a child prodigy classically trained on the piano. She was known as the “Darling of Café Society,” which was an integrated nightclub in Greenwich Village, New York. Hazel was born on June 11, 1920 in Port of Spain, Trinidad. Her father, R. Thomas Scott, was a West African Scholar and her mother, Alma …

Introduction to Margaret Bonds

Margaret Bonds was born on March 3, 1913 in Chicago, Illinois. Her father was a physician, and her mother was a piano teacher and church choral director. Margaret’s mother started teaching her piano at a very young age. When Margaret was 8 years old, she started studying at the Coleridge-Taylor Music School. (Remember Samuel …