Junior Duck Stamp Contest: It was tough, but our votes are in!

Junior Duck Stamp Contest 2018! Brought to you by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Locally hosted by John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum Art Sphere Inc helped engage communities in the contest, and served on the judging panel for the Duck Stamp artwork and conservation messages. Art Sphere …

Free Lesson Plan: Sculpture and Human Anatomy

Human Anatomy Sculpture Level: Middle School  Duration: Six 45-minute class periods Historical Overview: August Rodin (1840-1917) and France Goals and Objectives: To introduce sculpting techniques Vocabulary: Positive and negative space, carving additive and subtractive methods, proportion, scale Materials: Clay, wire, wood, nails, armature, carving tools, wire and washer clay cutting tool, sponges, …

Free Lesson Plan: Relief Printmaking

The Downtrodden by Kathe Kollowitz Night Snow by Utagawa Hiroshige Relief Printmaking Level: Middle School Duration: Six 45-minute class periods Historical Overview: Kathe Kollwitz, German Expressionism, and the history of Japanese wood block printing Goals and Objectives: To introduce printmaking techniques Vocabulary: Positive and negative space, relief printmaking, brayer, press, …

Free Lesson Plan: Oil Pastel Styles and Techniques

Oil Pastel and Talouse Lautrec Level: Middle School Duration: Two 45-minute class periods Historical Overview: Goals and Objectives: To introduce figurative drawing styles by various artists and oil pastel techniques Vocabulary: Oil pastel washes Materials: Oil pastels, paper towel, water soluble oil pastels, Prang Payons water soluble crayons, water soluble …

Free Lesson Plan: Watercolors of the U.S.

Recreation of Watercolor Landscape by Doug Denniston, Artwork by Art Sphere Inc. Watercolors of the U.S. Level: Middle School Duration: Three 45-minute class period. Historical Overview: Contemporary Watercolor Painters from the U.S.- Bruce McGrew, Homer Johnson, Doug Denniston Goals and Objectives: To introduce watercolor techniques and various artists Vocabulary: Watercolor, …

Free Lesson Plan: Surreal Landscapes with Acrylic Paints

Image by Ken, from Pixabay Surreal Landscapes of the Mind – Acrylic Paints Level: Middle School Duration: Three 45-minute class periods Historical Overview: Surreal Landscapes of Max Earnst Goals and Objectives: To introduce experimental uses of paint media Vocabulary: Surrealism, Landscape, acrylics, drip techniques, encaustic Materials: Acrylic paints, brushes, plastic …

Free Lesson Plan: Expressionist Psychological Landscapes with Acrylic Paints

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash Expressionist Psychological Landscapes – Acrylic Paints Level: Middle School Duration: Three 45-minute class periods  Historical Overview: German Expressionism and Max Beckman (1884-1950) Goals and Objectives: To introduce paint media and psychological use of figure Vocabulary: Expressionism, acrylics, glazes Materials: Acrylic paints, brushes, plastic containers Procedures: …

Free Lesson Plan: Expressionist Painting with Acrylic Paints

Photo by Steve Johnson, via Unsplash Expressionist Painting – Acrylic Paints Level: Middle School Duration: Two 45-minute class periods Historical Overview: German Expressionism and Emil Nolde (1867-1956) Goals and Objectives: To introduce expressive uses of paint media Vocabulary: German Expressionism, acrylics, impasto Materials: Acrylic paints, brushes, plastic containers Procedures: Day 1 …