Free Lesson Plan: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas Culture, 3-D Paper Bear Projects

Exploring other Cultures: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas  Paper Bear Projects (Projects can follow on consecutive weeks) Vocabulary: Symmetry and asymmetry Materials: Glue, scissors, pencil/markers/colored pencils/crayons Directions: Read: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas bear mythology Bears are symbols of strength and wisdom to many Indigenous Peoples in the Americas …

Free Lesson Plan: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas Culture, Wampum Bead Project

Exploring other Cultures: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas  Wampum Bead Projects (Projects can follow on consecutive weeks) A group project that inspires sharing and team building Elementary school and Middle school age appropriate Vocabulary: Pattern, repetition, jewelry making Materials: Plastic containers, fishing line, plastic tubing, scissors Directions: Read Shell …

Free Lesson Plan: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas Culture, Tent and Canoe Projects

Exploring other Cultures: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas Tent and Canoe Projects (Projects can follow on consecutive weeks) A group project that inspires sharing and team building Pre-school through elementary school age appropriate  Vocabulary: Pattern, pictographs, diorama, landscape, cone shape Materials: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas Plains tribes pictograph handout …

Free Lesson Plan: Sandwich Collage

Collage Art for Conversations around Food, Food Groups and Health Huge Hoagie or Monster Sandwich Project Collages: A group project that inspires sharing and team building Pre-school through elementary school age appropriate Vocabulary: Basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, and rectangle), all over pattern, texture, repetition, collage Materials: Manila paper (recycled …

Ice Cream Collage Handout

Collage Art for Conversations around Food, Food Groups and Health Ice cream Cone Project Collages: A group project that inspires sharing Pre-school through elementary school age appropriate Vocabulary: Basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, and rectangle), all over pattern, texture, repetition, collage Materials: Manila paper (recycled files and faded and yellowed …

Free Lesson Plan: Pizza Collage

Collage Art for Conversations around Food, Food Groups and Health Pizza Project Collages: A group project that inspires team building Pre-school through elementary school age appropriate Vocabulary: Basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, and rectangle), all over pattern, texture, repetition, collage Materials: Large brown paper (large paper bags or butcher paper), …

Dragons of the World

The most common iterations of dragons are the fire-breathing monsters seen in popular media and the wise beings from China and Japan. However, there are so many more myths out there from all different kinds of places! For our friends, the Southwark School Dragons, here is some background on dragons …