Exploring Other Cultures: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas – Animal Projects

Photo by Janko Ferlic on Pexels, via Pinterest 3-D Paper Bear Vocabulary: Symmetry and asymmetry Materials: Glue, scissors, and pencil, markers, colored pencils or crayons can also be very useful Directions: Read about Indigenous Peoples in the Americas bear mythology: http://www.native-languages.org/legends-bear.htm Bears are symbols of strength and wisdom to many …

Exploring other Cultures: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas -Wampum (Bead Projects)

Swoon (Caledonia Curry) Embellishment, by Brett Jordan, CC0 1.0 DEED, via flickr Wampum (Bead Projects) (Projects can follow on consecutive weeks) A group project that inspires sharing and team building and is age appropriate for elementary school and middle school. Vocabulary: Pattern, repetition, jewelry making Materials:Plastic containers, fishing line, plastic …

Exploring other Cultures: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas

HD wallpaper: Tee Pee – Grand Canyon, two white tipi tents, nomadic, native american Tent and Canoe Projects (Projects can follow on consecutive weeks) A group project that inspires sharing and team building and is age appropriate for pre-school through elementary school. Vocabulary: Pattern, pictographs, diorama, landscape, cone shape  Materials: Indigenous …

Collage Art For Conversations around Food, Hoagie Project

Image by Wooden Trays Huge Hoagie or Monster Sandwich Project Collages: A group project that inspires sharing and team building and is age appropriate for pre-school through elementary school. Materials: Manila paper (recycled files and faded and yellowed paper), scrap paper, construction paper, glue, markers, scissors, paper plates and napkins …

Collage Art For Conversations around Food, Ice Cream Cone Project

person holding ice cream cone in shallow photography by Christin Hume, via Unsplash Ice cream Cone Project Collages: A group project that inspires sharing that is age appropriate for preschool through elementary school.   Vocabulary: Basic shapes, including circle, square, triangle, and rectangle, all over pattern, texture, repetition, collage Materials: Manila …

Collage Art For Conversations Around Food, Pizza Project

Pizza Project Collages: A group project that inspires team building. Age appropriate for preschool through elementary school.  Project Ideas: responsibility, health, non traditional materials, interpersonal, team building Vocabulary: Basic shapes, including circle, square, triangle, and rectangle, pattern, texture, repetition, collage Materials: Large brown paper (large paper bags or butcher paper), scrap construction …

Harold and the Purple Crayon Bookmaking Project

Project Title: Harold and the purple crayon bookmaking project Description: Book making Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool  Vocabulary: imagination, problem solving Materials: Large construction paper, crayons. Anticipatory Set: Read Harold and The Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson Story line: The protagonist, Harold, is a curious …

Clay Oysters Lesson Plan

Level: Elementary School Duration: 2, 45 minute class periods Historical Overview: August Rodin and France (For Adults: Judy Chicago) Goals and Objectives: To introduce sculpting techniques. Vocabulary: positive and negative space, carving additive and subtractive methods, proportion, scale Materials: clay, carving tools, wire and washer clay cutting tool, sponges, water containers, …