Free Lesson Plan: Values in a Jar

Collection Jars Objective: To have students showcase what they value through developing collaging skills and remembering acceptance.  Materials: Pages from magazines (enough for the students to share), white pages with a jar drawn on them, scissors, glue, pencils, colored pencils, crayons Prep: Have enough white computer pages with a jar …

Free Lesson Plan: Celebrate Differences with a Puppet Show

Puppet and Puppet Show Lessons Part One: Making Puppets Objective: To have students create puppets with clear differences and have the class later perform a play about accepting the differences. Materials: Brown paper bags, long sheets of white paper (that fit onto the bags), scissors, glue, pencils, colored pencils, crayons …

Free Lesson Plan: March Winds Bring Wind Power

Pinwheel Lesson  Objective: To utilize the winds of March to teach about wind power demonstrated through pinwheels. Materials: Square piece of colored cardstock or sturdy construction paper (about 8″ x 8″), ruler, scotch tape, pencil with full eraser, thumbtack Instructions: Begin the class by discussing energy and different ways we …