Presidents’ Day Project Handout
Do you know who this president is? It’s Abraham Lincoln! Follow the directions in the handout below so that you can have your own Abraham Lincoln! Click here to download the PDF Click here for a full list of handouts
Do you know who this president is? It’s Abraham Lincoln! Follow the directions in the handout below so that you can have your own Abraham Lincoln! Click here to download the PDF Click here for a full list of handouts
RADIAL DESIGNS Level: 5-8 Duration: One 55 minute class period Historical Overview: Cambodian Art Materials:-pencils-crayons-watered down, black tempera paint-rulers-manila or white paper Directions:1. What do a dart board, a starfish, a ferris wheel, and a flower have in common? For one thing, they are all good examples of radial designs. …
3-D Hands Objective: To teach not to judge by having students create art based off the outline of their hand. Materials: White computer paper, pencils, colored pencils, markers, crayons Prep: Provide an example of a 3-D hand. Start by tracing your hand. Then draw lines horizontally. Have the lines outside …
Collection Jars Objective: To have students showcase what they value through developing collaging skills and remembering acceptance. Materials: Pages from magazines (enough for the students to share), white pages with a jar drawn on them, scissors, glue, pencils, colored pencils, crayons Prep: Have enough white computer pages with a jar …
Puppet and Puppet Show Lessons Part One: Making Puppets Objective: To have students create puppets with clear differences and have the class later perform a play about accepting the differences. Materials: Brown paper bags, long sheets of white paper (that fit onto the bags), scissors, glue, pencils, colored pencils, crayons …
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay Barnyard Origami Lesson Objective: To show a love for humankind and animals by having students build their own barn with different animals. Materials: Square pieces of white computer paper (5 or more per student), colored pencils, crayons, pencils Prep: Create a PowerPoint that has …
Pinwheel Lesson Objective: To utilize the winds of March to teach about wind power demonstrated through pinwheels. Materials: Square piece of colored cardstock or sturdy construction paper (about 8″ x 8″), ruler, scotch tape, pencil with full eraser, thumbtack Instructions: Begin the class by discussing energy and different ways we …
Book Lesson Objective: To recite a story with an important moral and have children either recreate this story or make a similar on that follow the same themes. Background: The story chosen for this lesson plan is Lowanu the wise woman. This story is about a village wise woman who …