How to Draw a Cat Handout
Print out the handout below and follow the steps to draw your own cat! You could make it a black cat for Halloween or color it however you want! Click here to download the PDF Click here for a full list of handouts
Print out the handout below and follow the steps to draw your own cat! You could make it a black cat for Halloween or color it however you want! Click here to download the PDF Click here for a full list of handouts
In 1964, October 15th became national White Cane Safety Day! On this Friday, October 15th, we celebrate the achievements of blind and visually impaired people. The white cane is a common and important symbol of blindness as it is a tool of independence. What is the White Cane Law? The …
Wifi Symbol by Circe Denyer, via PublicDomainPictures.Net CC0 1.0 (transparency removed) When was the last time you were out and about, when suddenly you remembered you forgot to respond to an email from earlier that day? Maybe you want to see what movies are playing at the local theater or …
Download the handouts below for more Halloween crafts! Create your own Halloween puzzles and turn lolly pops into spiders! Get creative with your puzzle! You can use however many popsicle sticks as you want and draw any picture on the top. You can use the ideas for inspiration or create …
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably thought to yourself, “Why would anyone want to hack me? I haven’t got anything they would want.” Most people assume that hackers only go after big companies for the big paydays like the massive data breaches you see in the news. While that’s …
Print out the handout below to make your own post card! You could draw a memory from your favorite vacation, copy a postcard you already have, invent your own place, or draw somewhere you want to visit! On the left side write a message. This could be a description from …
Get in the Halloween spirit with these decorative crafts! Fun facts about Halloween: 1. Candy corn was originally called chicken feed. 2. Halloween was developed from old Irish traditions from the festival of Samhain, which occurred at the end of October. During the festival, spirits and ghosts were believed to …
Follow the instructions below to make your own mice finger puppets! Roll the body of the mouse and use tape to close. The body should make a cone shape. Fold along the dotted lines on the ear and tape or glue on the ears, tail, and whiskers. Add eyes, nose, …