Aprendizaje basado en el cerebro

Translation by Volunteer Gloria of a past blog post from Volunteer Pooja ¿Cómo podemos enseñarles a los niños a retener información de manera eficaz ysignificativa? Antes que nada, debemos tomar en consideración que los niños y niñasaprenden a ritmos diferentes. Cuando niña, por ejemplo, yo necesitaba más tiempopara aprender que …

Q&A with ASI 2019

What motivates you to continue the work that you do? Making the kids laugh, changing the kids’ attitude through art, inspiring curiosity, seeing and hearing children’s thoughts and feelings expressed. How does your work impact your community and those around you? Each of our teaching artists and musicians have their …

Pizza Time at Cione!!

Project Title: Paper Pizza! Materials:  Construction paper Small cut-out bits of shapes of pizza toppings  Glue Grade Level: Preschool Vocabulary: Vegetables, meats  Demo Directions: Give kids one brown piece of paper, red piece of paper, and yellow piece of paper, and allow them to glue the base of their pizza …

Egg Drop Lesson Plan

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay Project Title: Egg Drop (45 mins)  Description: Students learn the basic science of air resistance, gravity, and impact Author: Olly Liu Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary and Middle School Materials: plastic bags, newspaper, eggs, straws, strings, bottles, cardboards, tapes, scissors Anticipatory Set: Talk about the …

Meet Merideth!

Hi! My name is Merideth and I am so excited to join the Art Sphere team! I’ve always been passionate about the arts in Philadelphia, and I can’t wait to encourage growth and development in a younger generation through creativity. In my free time I like to make music, attend …