Learning Colors Lesson Plan – Creating a Flower Chart

Image from ASI Lesson Book-4, (Expanding the Creative Mind through Mixed Media Book-4), by Greta Heeb Your destination: (objectives) Create a chart with a color wheel in the shape of a flower that includes labeled primary and secondary colors and also ROYGBIV. Travel kit: (materials) Something to color with,paper, pen/marker …

Why creating is so important in education: compare the revised and original Bloom’s Taxonomy and related verbs to help parents become teachers

Fractus Learning, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs  https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/blooms-taxonomy/ This ‘Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs’ chart is published under Creative Commons and can be shared  on your social network. Over sixty years ago,  Benjamin Bloom chaired the committee of educators responsible for delivering what we all know today as …

Jerry Wilkerson’s “Banana’s”

Image from ASI Lesson Book-4, (Expanding the Creative Mind through Mixed Media Book-4), by Greta Heeb Your destination (objectives): Recreate Jerry Wilkerson’s Bananas painting by having the kids practice pointillism. Tavel kit: (materials) Q-tips, paint (white, light blue, brown, green, yellow), blue paper/surface with blue background, pencil. On the path …