God’s Eyes

Description: God’s Eyes are created in certain cultures as gifts to children coming of age, or for another’s home. Although meanings differ from culture to culture, God’s Eyes generally symbolize an understanding of the unknown, helping us respect differences. Project Ideas: respecting differences, multicultural, intrapersonal Author: Lesson plan – Judith Vasquez Grade level …

Use Recycled Materials to Create Musical Instruments (Art Lesson)

Project Title: Recycled Musical Instruments  Description: Use recycled materials such as plastic containers to make instruments. Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: band, music, individuality, uniqueness, rhythm, sound Materials: Recycled containers, such as plastic soda bottles, coffee to-go cups and lids, plastic containers, small cardboard …

Indigenous Peoples in the Americas Recycled Musical Instruments

clear plastic bottle by Brian Yurasits, via Unsplash Interactive and Educational Art Made with Recyclables Through the grant made possible by the Rudolf Steiner Foundation, ASI has created curriculum and implemented art workshops that celebrate Indian culture through the universal language of music and also encourage a greater understanding of environmental issues …

Creating a World Without Violence : Curriculum

people walking on street near building during daytime by Svend Nielsen, via Unsplash Activities for Ages: 5-12  Anticipatory set: Students sit on edges of square sheets of paper placed on the floor. Teacher plays name game with students. Part 1: Teacher discusses what a mural is, explains the mural-making process, …

Learn How to Paint With Stencils

Stencil Painting Directions (Materials: stencils, rags, brushes, tape, acrylic paint) Choose a theme for stencil mural project. (theme for Fishtown – “Aquatic Life”) Choose specific location and decide how stencils will fit space. (We have small stencils designed specifically for painting over benches and bigger ones for walls) Brainstorm ideas, pick stencils and …