Learn How to Make a Paper Space Ship

Project Title: Paper Space Ships Description: Kids decorate their own spaceships that can be launched with a straw. A great way to introduce trust. Astronauts have to trust each other in order to persevere through space together. Project Ideas: technology, trust, team building, body kinesthetic Author: Candice Carroll Grade level or Target …

Lights Off!

Description: Group project made up of different shapes Objectives: Students build confidence with the concept of abstraction and recognize it as a valid art form. Author: Kristin, edit by Blair Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary to middle school Sample, Historical Art Examples, and References: Munsell Color System Vocabulary: Abstraction, color wheel, hue Materials: Flashlight, …

A Real Scream

Description: Drawing on black paper Objectives: Students practice a subtractive method of drawing and feel secure in expressing their feelings. Author: Kristin, edit by Blair Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool to middle school Sample, Historical Art Examples, and References: Edvard Munch, Norway Vocabulary: Contrast, Motion, Expressionism Materials: White oil pastels, white crayon, or chalk, …

Getting to the Point

Description: Still life drawing Objectives: Students develop a sense of form through the process of creating images with dots. Author: Kristin, edit by Blair Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary to middle school Sample, Historical Art Examples, and References: Georges Seurat, France Vocabulary: Pointillism, Viewfinder Materials: Paper, pencil, scissors, and image in a magazine …

Monstrous World

Description: Invented landscape, dinosaurs, or monsters Objectives:Students build images from their experiences making texture Author: Kristin, edit by Blair Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary to middle school Sample, Historical Art Examples, and References:Max Ernst, Germany Vocabulary: Surrealism, Rubbings, and Texture Materials: Pencils, white paper, objects with various textures Anticipatory Set: Discuss the senses, show …

Perfect Portrait

Description: Cubist-like portrait  Objectives: Students have an opportunity to be the center of attention and practice observational drawing in a fun environment. Author: Kristin, edit by Blair Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school Sample, Historical Art Examples, and References: Pablo Picasso, Spain Vocabulary: Blind Contour Drawing, Texture Materials: Paper and pencil. Anticipatory …

Shades of Grey

Description: Repeated images of contradiction Objectives:Students practice shading without the risk of being unable to draw Author:Kristin, edit by Blair Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary to middle school Sample, Historical Art Examples, and References: Rene Magritte, France Vocabulary:  Stencils, Shading, Repetition Materials:Pencils, scissors, and paper Anticipatory Set: Show students an example …

Amazin’ Art

Description: Maze in construction paper animal, a great way to introduce trust and trust worthiness. Life is like a maze. So we need to work together and trust each other when we face major obstacles. Project Ideas: Being trustworthy, trusting others, interpersonal, recycling, reusing materials Objectives: 1. Students appreciate a …