Healing Art Envelope Project

Art Sphere Inc.’s “Envelope Project” is a creative assignment for all ages and has been especially helpful for those facing physical, mental, and emotional challenges, including poverty, incarceration, and violence. This workshop curriculum helps individuals and groups to explore their lives through self-reflection and to empower themselves through making art. When we …

Combining Art and Meditation

Discovering the artistic spirit within through meditation: A section devoted to the ability of art to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Art Sphere Inc. teaches meditation thru art using yoga and meditation techniques and traditions including: consciously slowing the heart rate; controlled breathing; concentration projects like stringing beads; focusing on …

Constellation and Star Art Project

Description: Collective creation of an original constellation representing the John Heinz Wildlife Refuge and made through individual stars. A Great way to introduce respecting differences. Different cultures have different stories for constellation images because everyone sees things differently. Project Ideas: respecting difference, literacy, technology Objectives/discussion: 1. The science of stars—stellar spectrum/star …

Alphabet Art Projects: The Letter V

Lesson: Create art projects that start with the letter V Recommended Ages: Preschool Vocabulary Letter V: a letter in the alphabet Volcano: an opening in the Earth’s crust with lava inside  Violin: stringed musical instrument Materials: Violin, Construction paper, String, Liquid, Water colors, Paint brushes, Single hole punch, Volcano, Construction paper, Glue, Cotton balls Directions Violin 1. Begin by cutting …