Printmaking With Styrofoam

Project Title: Intro to Printmaking Description: Students will learn how to create a mono-print. Author: Dayna Ensminger Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary Level, ages 7+ Historical Art Examples or References: Andy Warhol Pop Art, examples of prints and stamps Vocabulary: Printmaking, inks, brayer, stamp, texture, pressure, print, reverse image Materials: colored construction paper …

Tinfoil Monoprints

Lesson Introduce students to a basic form of mono-printing that can be done at home using everyday materials. Materials Tinfoil Paint Paper Plastic utensils Cotton swabs Prep Organize reference materials to show students a sample of prints. Cut and flatten rectangles of tinfoil to use as a printmaking surface. Cut paper …

Shissler Lesson Plans

Shissler Recreation Center Preschool Ceramics Class Teachers: Sarah Gregory and Ellen Scolnic ASI Spring 2016 Time: Thursdays, 9am-11am Dates: January 28-April 14 2016. Students: 21 Lesson Reinforce the shape/color curriculum being covered at the preschool sites. Students will learn to identify shapes, colors, fruits, and vegetables, create pattern,  develop fine …

Yarn Apple Craft

Description: Apple Crafts are great for back to school! This yarn craft is great for all ages. It develops motor skills and is very therapeutic! Author: Khristin Coleman and Viola Toner Grade Level or Target Range : 3-5 Vocabulary : Color, Shape, Outline, Wrapping, Materials: Card board Scissors Pens Yarn ( green or red) …