ASI’s Meet and Greet

Last weekend ASI had a pleasure of hosting a get-to-know-you session. Everyone met at Art Sphere’s office located in 915 Studios, steps away from 10th & Spring Garden Streets. During this time people conversed over cheese, crackers, breakfast pastries, fruit, and even that bubbly sparkling substance called water. Board members, …

Alphabet Art Projects: The Letter V

Lesson: Create art projects that start with the letter V Recommended Ages: Preschool Vocabulary Letter V: a letter in the alphabet Volcano: an opening in the Earth’s crust with lava inside  Violin: stringed musical instrument Materials: Violin, Construction paper, String, Liquid, Water colors, Paint brushes, Single hole punch, Volcano, Construction paper, Glue, Cotton balls Directions Violin 1. Begin by cutting …

Bird’s Nests

Description: Students create bird’s nests out of recycled and nontraditional materials. A great way to talk about courage. Baby birds need courage to fly for the first. Project Ideas:courage, nontraditional materials, naturalistic Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: spring, insects, birds, nests Materials: For bird’s nest: …

Q is for Quilt – The Preschool Minnows Quilt Project

Project Title: Q is for Quilt Description: paper quilt making. Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: quilt, working on the letter Q Materials: Large construction paper, crayons, geometric shapes cut out of colorful paper, glue, real quilted blanket, and the book, The Quilt Story by Tony Johnston and Tomie dePaola. Anticipatory Set: …

Ribbit Ribbit: The Pre-school Minnows Create Origami Frogs!

Project Title: Origami Frogs Description: Teach students about frogs and their habitats. Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: frogs, origami. Materials: Large construction paper (white), regular construction paper (green, pink, yellow), crayons, scissors, paper flies, and frog sound videos. Anticipatory set: Fun facts about frogs! We started by discussing the life …