Animal Envelopes

Duration: 30-45 minutes Level: K-3rd Materials: Brown, white, orange, and white construction paper, paper white and black circles, glue, scissors, and orange and black markers/crayons/colored pencils. Procedures: Cut an 8”x11” piece of construction paper in half, length-wise. Fold into thirds Cut the part of the paper that when folded, rests …

Free Lesson Plan: Martin Luther King Jr. Mural

Title/Description: A Mural for Martin Luther King Jr. Level: Middle/High School Duration: Two 45-minute class periods Historical Overview: Martin Luther King Jr. and racial prejudice Vocabulary: Mural, boycott, character, prejudice, mosaic Materials: Butcher paper, pencils, markers/crayons/colored pencils, scissors, white computer paper Procedures: Day 1 Anticipatory Set: Ask preparatory questions about …

17 Questions for Making a Lesson Plan and Our Format Explained

Questions to consider when creating and preparing to teach an art lesson plan: Why do I want students to experience this? Why do I think that this is worthwhile to teach? What will I accomplish through this lesson? (artistic and educational goals) How do these goals coincide with the local, …

Free Lesson Plan: Design Your Own Posters and T-shirts

Title/Description: Screen Printing Posters and T-shirts Level: Middle/High School Duration: One 45-minute class period Historical Overview: To introduce silk screen printmaking and graphics techniques Materials: Silk screen, 250-watt photo bulb, poly gloves, letter set, squeegees, photo emulsion, textile ink, t-shirts, poster paper, brush, cardboard Procedures: Day 1 Students make their …

Free Lesson Plan: Personal Hieroglyphic Prints

Title/Description: Ancient Egypt Level: Middle/High School Duration: One 45-minute class period Historical Overview: Hieroglyphic symbols Goals and Objectives: To introduce printmaking and carve and print hieroglyphic stamps Vocabulary: Hieroglyphics, cartouche, papyrus Materials: Safety cut carving blocks, linoleum knives, papyrus, wood dowels, ink brayers, stamps, pads, alphabet charts, block printing press, …

Seed Pod Birds

Free Lesson Plan: Simple Seed Pod Birds Title/Description: Seed Pod Bird Level: Elementary School Duration: One 45-minute class period Historical Overview: Assemblage art  Goals and Objectives: To introduce sculpture techniques Vocabulary: Mixed media, off center Materials: Tempera paint, yellow pipe cleaners, tissue paper, kite string, paper, hole punch Procedures: Day …