What’s the Threat? – Who, How, And Why Would Someone Hack Me

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably thought to yourself, “Why would anyone want to hack me? I haven’t got anything they would want.” Most people assume that hackers only go after big companies for the big paydays like the massive data breaches you see in the news. While that’s …

Halloween Craft Handouts

Get in the Halloween spirit with these decorative crafts! Fun facts about Halloween: 1. Candy corn was originally called chicken feed. 2. Halloween was developed from old Irish traditions from the festival of Samhain, which occurred at the end of October. During the festival, spirits and ghosts were believed to …

Keeping Up To Date – Software And OS Updates

Person Working on Computer by Inga Seliverstova, via Pexels (cropped) Another important principle in cybersecurity is keeping your software up to date. I think most people understand this, but I known there are people who choose to continually put off installing updates and others who probably just ignore them all …