What is home to you? Paper house project

Today at Southwark, we decorated pre-made 3D paper houses with both of our classes. While this was a simpler project, it gave us time to go around and ask the students some questions about home: What is the first thing you think of when you think of home? What does home mean to you? What is your favorite part?

We had some really well thought out responses as well as some funny and general answers. It was fun watching these students use their ideas to decorate the houses. They were all very different and super creative.

Our older class said home is shelter, a safe place, somewhere you can sleep well at, peace, and family. When they think of home they think about color, natural, a bed, playing Fortnite, their pets, and boring.

Responses from our younger class to questions about home included: family, sleep, relaxing, their bed, siblings, having fun, their pets (3 fish and 2 cats), being able to be messy, time with parents and friends, being lazy, and playing video games.