Barkin’ Puppies

Project Title: Paper Bag Puppies Description: Students made paper bag puppies using paper bags Author: Liza Grade level or Targeted Age Range:  Preschool to Kindergarten Historical Art Examples or References: N/A Vocabulary: Survive, circle, oval Materials: paper bag, glue, construction paper, google eyes,  three pom poms, scissors Anticipatory Set: Discuss what …

ASI Clay Animation Program

Teachers: Alexander Becher and Diana Hamm Assistant Teachers: Kim Harris, Kristy Leone, Nhi Nguyen ASI Student  video from last years clay animation program This course will serve as a standalone introduction to the art of clay animation. During this set of lessons we wish to incorporate a number of different concepts …

Art Passports

Project Title: Art PassportsDescription: Students will use their art passport as a way of self-expression, to brainstorm ideas, and make connections to new cultures and places.Author: Dayna EnsmingerGrade level or Target Age Range: Elementary Level, ages 5+ Historical Art Examples or References: Images of different historical landmarks from around the world, world maps, images of …

Learning the Color Wheel

Project Title: Learning the Color Wheel Description: Two projects a student could complete for the teacher to measure skill level and color wheel knowledge Author: Dayna Ensminger Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary Level, ages 5+ 1. Historical Art Examples or References: – Vocabulary: Color Wheel, rainbow, circle, order Materials: White paper, construction paper squares in red, orange, …

Sculpting with Celluclay

Project Title: Sculpting with Celluclay Description: Students will create a 3-dimensional bowl or plate using Celluclay. Author: Dayna Ensminger Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary Level, ages 9+ Historical Art Examples or References: Sculpture examples from various artists Vocabulary: Papier mache, Celluclay, sculpture, 3-dimensional Materials: Newspaper, Celluclay, paper towels, water source, containers for water, buckets to …

Make a Japanese Cherry Blossom Branch Using Ink and Tissue Paper

Project Title: Make a Japanese Cherry Blossom Branch Using Ink and Tissue Paper Description: Students will learn about Japan and the cherry blossom branch. They will view images of sumi-e art and its nature-inspired simplistic qualities. They will create a branch using black India ink and tissue paper. Author: Dayna Ensminger Grade level or …

Koinobori Wind Sock

Project Title: Koinobori Wind Sock Description: Students will learn about the culture of Japan. They will create their own koinobori (carp streamer). Author: Dayna Ensminger Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary Level, ages 5+ Historical Art Examples or References: Examples of Koinobori, Children’s Day celebration videos, koi fish, Japanese culture Vocabulary: koi fish, warm colors, 3D, …