Symmetrical Radial Designs Lesson Plan

Symmetrical Radial Design
Image from ASI Lesson Book-4, (Expanding the Creative Mind through Mixed Media Book-4), by Greta Heeb

Your Destination: (objectives)

  • Teach the students about symmetry by creating a fun design.

travel kit: (materials)

  • Markers, Paper, 3 different sized bowls.

on the path

step 1

  • First take your bowls and create three circles, each smaller than the last.

step 2

  • Next split the circles up by drawing 4 lines through them.

step 3

  • Finally, using your knowledge of symmetry, decorate the circles as you see fit!

group tour (how larger class can be involved as group projects)

  • Split the class into groups and have them research a symmetrical animal, then recreate it.

extend your journey

  • Have the students create silly self-portraits where they are completely symmetrical.

learn new vocabulary

  • Symmetry, Asymmetry.