Collage Art for Conversations around Food, Food Groups and Health
Pizza Project Collages: A group project that inspires team building
Pre-school through elementary school age appropriate
Vocabulary: Basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, and rectangle), all over pattern, texture, repetition, collage
Materials: Large brown paper (large paper bags or butcher paper), scrap construction paper, glue, scissors
- Take brown paper and cut into a large circle
- Have students work together curling edges of circle to make a crust
- Have students discuss their favorite toppings
- Cut shapes for different toppings
- Pizza can have different sections with different toppings
- Glue pizza parts
Opportunity for Discussion and Play:
- Students can pretend their group is a pizza shop
- Create a restaurant name, menu with prices and descriptions for different toppings with titles of different kinds of pizzas.
*This project is a great way to encourage young children to make collage and also talk about healthy foods
See also: Ice Cream Collage and Sandwich Collage