3D Hands

Objective: to teach not judging by having students create art based off the outline of their hand Prep: Provide an example of a 3D hand. Start by tracing your hand. Start creating the lines horizontally. Have the lines outside of your hand be straight, arch the line inside the hand, …

Treasure Map

Treasure Map Goals: To have kids think about what they treasure and the obstacles they are willing to overcome to reach this treasure. Have children reach this goal by using sequential thinking, directionals skills and displaying emotional intelligence. Prep: Make a treasure Map on construction paper with a start, at …

Dragon Craft- Chinese New Year

Dragon, Chinese New Year Craft. Objective: To have the class cooperate and work together to build a dragon structure in honor of Chinese New Year Background Information: Chinese New Year centers around the mythology that the beast Nian would come to villages to eat livestock, crops and villagers. Nian was …