Learn Complementary colors with Mini Kites with Popsicle Sticks

Lesson Students create miniature kites using popsicle sticks and learn about complementary colors.  Recommended Ages Preschool to middle school Historical Art Examples or References Images of kites and complementary colors Vocabulary Symmetry: two sides of an image that look the same  Complementary colors: pairs of colors that contrast each other …

Dutch Windmill with Popsicle Sticks

Project Title: Dutch Windmill with Popsicle Sticks Description: Students create a windmill out of construction paper and popsicle sticks Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school Historical Art Examples or References: Images of dutch windmills and facts about windpower Vocabulary: alternative energy Materials: glue, scissors, construction paper, Popsicle …

Learn Complementary Colors with Poinsettias!

Project Title: Poinsettia Complementary Color Project Description: Students create a poinsettia out of complementary colors Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school Historical Art Examples or References: Images of poinsettias Vocabulary: poinsettia, complementary colors Materials: glue, scissors, construction paper, pencils Anticipatory Set: Discussion on complementary colors Demo/Directions: …

Learn Shapes with Arcimboldo

Project Title: Arcimboldo Oil Pastel Project Description: Students create a face using only shapes with oil pastels or crayons. Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school Historical Art Examples or References: Arcimboldo’s work Materials: oil pastel (or crayons), paper Anticipatory Set: Discussion on shapes and Arcimboldo. …