Mandala Lesson Plan

Project Title: Mandalas Description: Students learn what a mandala is, what they symbolize, and how to make one Author: Ginny Froonjian Grade level or Target Age Range: Middle School Historical Art Examples or References: Tibetan monks making mandalas to symbolize prayer, meditation, rebirth, etc. Vocabulary: Radius, symmetry, meditation, mindfulness Materials: …

Did the groundhog see his shadow?

Project Title: Did the groundhog see his shadow Description: Paper bag groundhog puppet Author: Jedidah Groseclose Grade level or Target Age Range: Second Grade Materials: Brown paper bags with pre-glued eyes and nose, brown construction paper for paws, tail, and ears, pipe cleaners for whiskers, and glue sticks Anticipatory Set: Ask if the students …

Chinese New Year at Towey!

At Towey, the students celebrated Chinese New Year and Groundhog day with their art projects. For Chinese New Year, this included the traditional red paper lanterns and cut-out pink pigs (since 2019 is the year of the pig). They also created groundhog puppets starting with brown paper bags and then …

Chinese New Years, Year of the Pig Handout

Project Title: Year of the Pig  Description: Paper pig craft with Chinese characters Author: Jedidah Groseclose Grade level or Target Age Range: Second Grade Vocabulary: Chinese New Year- explain what this is and how it’s celebrated Materials: Large pink construction paper, crayons/ markers, scissors, glueAnticipatory Set: Explain what the pig means for the Chinese New …