Chinese Lanterns Lesson Plan

Project Title: Chinese Lanterns, also see our translation 中國燈籠 Description: Create paper Chinese lanterns. Discuss usage of Chinese lanterns in celebrations around the world. Explore meaning and historical significance behind decorative ornaments. How different cultures show compassion through symbolism Project Ideas: compassion, multicultural, interpersonal Author: Alysia  Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary grades …

God’s Eyes

Description: God’s Eyes are created in certain cultures as gifts to children coming of age, or for another’s home. Although meanings differ from culture to culture, God’s Eyes generally symbolize an understanding of the unknown, helping us respect differences. Project Ideas: respecting differences, multicultural, intrapersonal Author: Lesson plan – Judith Vasquez Grade level …

Indigenous Peoples in the Americas Recycled Musical Instruments

Interactive and Educational Art Made with Recyclables Through the grant made possible by the Rudolf Steiner Foundation, ASI has created curriculum and implemented art workshops that celebrate Indian culture through the universal language of music and also encourage a greater understanding of environmental issues by working with recyclables. ASI has created art …

Exploring Other Cultures: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas – Animal Projects

3-D Paper Bear Vocabulary: Symmetry and asymmetry Materials: Glue, scissors, and pencil, markers, colored pencils or crayons can also be very useful Directions: Read about Indigenous Peoples in the Americas bear mythology: Bears are symbols of strength and wisdom to many Indigenous Peoples in the Americas and are often …

Exploring other Cultures: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas -Wampum (Bead Projects)

Wampum (Bead Projects) (Projects can follow on consecutive weeks) A group project that inspires sharing and team building and is age appropriate for elementary school and middle school. Vocabulary: Pattern, repetition, jewelry making Materials:Plastic containers, fishing line, plastic tubing and scissors. Directions: Read Shell beads in the Northeast have …

Exploring other Cultures: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas

Tent and Canoe Projects (Projects can follow on consecutive weeks) A group project that inspires sharing and team building and is age appropriate for pre-school through elementary school. Vocabulary: Pattern, pictographs, diorama, landscape, cone shape  Materials: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas Plains tribes pictograph handout (for woodland homes reference), manila paper, …

Aloha-Lei Art Project

Art Sphere supplied the materials and facilitated the Hawaiian “Aloha-Lei Project” at John H. Webster Elementary in Kensington. This unique collaboration with a local art teacher reached 500 students with a message of sharing, love, peace, and compassion through bead and flower necklaces. You can make an Aloha-Lei art project too. We used fishing …