Tissue Paper Jack o Lantern

Project Title: Tissue Paper Jack O’Lantern Description: Kids love making holiday crafts! Halloween is the perfect time for that. This craft is great for pre-school and kindergarten students! Author: Viola Toner, Khristin Coleman Grade Level or Target Age Range: 3-5 year Vocabulary: Jack O’Lantern, Shape, Additive/Subtractive, Color References:  History of the Jack O’Lantern Top 32 …

Dragon Craft- Chinese New Year

Dragon, Chinese New Year Craft. Objective: To have the class cooperate and work together to build a dragon structure in honor of Chinese New Year Background Information: Chinese New Year centers around the mythology that the beast Nian would come to villages to eat livestock, crops and villagers. Nian was …

Halloween Masks

Description: Made from paper plates, this project is a great back up project for kids around Halloween. Teaching kids to respect differences by using different personas. You can also have the kids create a group Halloween play on acceptance. Project Ideas: respecting differences, acceptance, recycling, body kinesthetic, theater Author: Kashief Butler, …

Valentines for Soldiers and Senior Citizens

Card making is a great way for communities to connect. Valentine’s Day is a great holiday to let people without loved ones nearby know that they are still thought of and surrounded by others who care. Making cards is a wonderful way for participants to express themselves and experiment with materials …

Minnow Mouse Project – Valentine’s Day Art

On February 20th, the minnows at Fishtown Recreation Center had great time celebrating Valentine’s Day by learning all of the different animals they can create from the shape of a heart! Project Title: Valentine hearts Description: Students learn the many things they can create using the shape of a heart …