Learn Complementary Colors with Poinsettias!

Project Title: Poinsettia Complementary Color Project Description: Students create a poinsettia out of complementary colors Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school Historical Art Examples or References: Images of poinsettias Vocabulary: poinsettia, complementary colors Materials: glue, scissors, construction paper, pencils Anticipatory Set: Discussion on complementary colors Demo/Directions: …

Learn Shapes with Arcimboldo

Project Title: Arcimboldo Oil Pastel Project Description: Students create a face using only shapes with oil pastels or crayons. Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school Historical Art Examples or References: Arcimboldo’s work Materials: oil pastel (or crayons), paper Anticipatory Set: Discussion on shapes and Arcimboldo. …

Learn Shapes with Kandinsky Watercolor Paintings

Project Title: Kandinsky Watercolor Paintings Description: Students create a watercolor painting that emulates Kandinsky using different shapes. Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school Historical Art Examples or References: Images of Kandinsky’s work. Materials: pencils, watercolor, paper Vocabulary: abstract art Anticipatory Set: Discussion on different shapes and abstract …

Hand-print Flowers

Project Title: Hand-print Flowers Description: Students create flowers using their hand-print. Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to early elementary Historical Art Examples or References: Images of flowers and nature. Materials: crayons, paper Anticipatory Set: Discussion on flowers as an important part of the ecosystem. Demo/Directions: Trace hand with …

Depth Scene Project

Project Title: Depth Scene Project Description: Create a scene using multiple layers of transparency paper to create depth Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: middle school Historical Art Examples or References: Dustin Yellin – artist Vocabulary: Depth Materials: transparency paper, tape, paper, scissors, color pencils, pencils Anticipatory Set: …

Where’s Waldo Group Project

Project Title: Where’s Waldo Group Project  Description: Students create a character, and paste into a collection of characters. Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school Historical Art Examples or References: Where is Waldo book Vocabulary: character design Materials: paper, color pencils, scissors, tape, large construction paper, …


Project Title: Caricature  Description: Students create a caricature using three different styles Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range:  middle school Historical Art Examples or References: different styles they chose Vocabulary: caricature Materials: Paper, pencils, color pencils Anticipatory Set: What are caricatures? Demo/Directions: Make up a character in your own style …

Clay Monsters

Project Title: Clay Monsters Description: Use caricature book to sketch out monster then sculpt it using plasticine. Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school Historical Art Examples or References: Book of caricature monsters Vocabulary: Design Materials: Book on caricatures, pencil, paper, glue, plasticine Anticipatory Set: …