Back in the Classroom-Storytelling and Pandas

This past Tuesday, January 22nd, was my first day back in the classroom since the holidays. I was excited to see the students again! We started off, as usual, with our sixth grade class. They were in such an energetic mood. For our first day back in class, we gave the students an assignment that allowed them to work with their friends. After getting into groups of three, they had five minutes to write a story. Once five minutes were up, it was time to pass the story to their neighbor, who would add to the story for another five minutes. After 15 minutes, each student got their original story back; everyone had fun reading the additions their friends had made. 

We got to the second grade class just as they were finishing their homework. We passed out cutout hearts as J walked around with an example picture of how to make a panda out of the hearts. Each child got to customize their own heart panda  by drawing extra features on, such as eyebrows, cheeks, or mouths. While they worked, I kept them engaged by reading them facts about panda bears.