Constellation and Star Art Project
Description: Collective creation of an original constellation representing the John Heinz Wildlife Refuge and made through individual stars. A Great way to introduce respecting differences. Different cultures have different stories for constellation images because everyone sees things differently. Project Ideas: respecting difference, literacy, technology Objectives/discussion: 1. The science of stars—stellar spectrum/star …
Let’s Have a Luau
Let’s Have a Luau! Project Title: Hawaiian themed art projects Description: leis and parrot puppets Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: lei, luau, Hawaii, hula Materials: For leis: string, cutouts of paper flowers with holes in the middle and small cut pieces of plastic straws. …
Philly Spring Cleanup at Fishtown Rec Breezes By
There’s nothing quite like a windswept, sunny day for populating the rec center walls with vivid painted sea creatures and freeing the blacktops of trash. Not to mention the enjoyment of being surrounded by the warm company of fellow painters and the people of Fishtown Neighbors Association! See some highlights …
Art Sphere Office Hours
So what is it like to work in the Art Sphere office? Located in the 915 Spring Garden Street Studios building, Art Sphere has an uncommon work environment. In my experience, while sometimes intense and mentally strenuous, working at Art Sphere usually is really fun. I joined up with Art Sphere during a …
Paper Bag Trees
This Sunday at Tzu Chi, we made paper bag trees! We started the lesson plan with a question-and-answer session. We correlated our lesson plan with the kids’ theme this month: courage. One of the questions we asked the kids is if trees are courageous and important to our daily lives. …
Paper Bag Tree Lesson Plan
Project Title: Paper Bag Tree, also see our translation 紙袋樹 Description: Teaching kids about the beauty, wisdom, and importance of trees. Perfect for the official change to spring. A great way to tie in the idea of time management. Trees lose their leaves in fall to prepare for winter. Project Ideas: …