Pop-Up Paper Houses

Bigs – Glavin Rec Center Several children wanted to finish their circle loom friendship bracelets from the previous week. Those who chose not to continue them or had already finished were given folded paper in the shape of a house. They were asked to create whatever dream house they wanted. …


    We use paper towels and plastic cups . Students followed up with making their own rainbows and using watercolors.https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=aaplw&p=walking+on+rainbows#id=3&vid=31d2352786569ebcf30a965c7b84b489&action=click      

Foil Marker Prints

Littles – Glavin Rec Center It was our last day with the younger students as their camp would be over that day. Miss Grace and I showed these kids how to create marker prints with foil, markers, paper and water. Each child was given a piece of foil and were …