Free Mask Template: See PDF download button below
Project Title: Masks Made Simple with Free Template
Description: Students create and decorate a paper mask
Author: Francesca
Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool to middle school (Towey Recreation Center)
Vocabulary: Symmetry
Materials: Paper, scissors, yarn, crayons, hole puncher
Anticipatory Set: Discussion on masks
Demo/Directions: (Roughly plan amount of time it takes to do each procedure)
1. Draw a mask onto thick paper.
2. Punch holes in either side of the mask.
3. Tie yarn into the holes in the mask.
4. Decorate the mask.
- What is symmetry?
- How do masks work?
- Why do people wear masks?
Instructional Reflection: Decorating the mask allowed students to create a persona. It helped them understand how others view them. Decorating the mask allowed for students to practice creative freedom.