Through ASI’s art workshops, we are uniquely positioned to bring environmental awareness to inner city youth. With hands-on activities, we make art projects to promote the conservation of wildlife and their habitats and support the work of city parks and national refuges like John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge.
Above students at Pepper Middle School draw ducks using bird field guides and photos
Art Sphere Inc. participates in “Nature Conservation Through Art” at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge and works to duplicate offerings in Philadelphia neighborhoods including:
Other ASI Conservation Efforts:
Environmental Arts Activism: Hurricane Sandy/ Conneticut
- National Duck Stamp Project
- Science, Sundial and Gardens Through Art
- Art is for the Birds&Foxes…at John Heinz Reserve!
- River Ecology Through Art East Falls Chalk Event
- Valuing Marshland Habitats Through Duck Drawings
- Environmental Activism Through Art
- Earth Day Celebrations Thru Art at Temple and McCreesh
Nature Walks and Drawing with George W. Pepper Middle School students.
Students at Northern Liberties Recreation Center make origami Ducks