ASI makes learning about the moon and space travel easy with videos, handouts, and step-by-step directions to explore innovative ideas with S.T.E.A.M. skills.

NASA further studies the moon with the Artemis program. Find out what are the three phases of this program.
What do you already know about NASA? Do you want to get a head start on preparing for our class? Check out what is NASA. You can also print out the handout for this week’s activity and we will complete it in the class together.
Try these in-person and online classroom tested projects:
- Pretend you are an engineer and build a space launch. Using paper without glue or tape to see how high a tower you can make.
- Make a 2-sided rocket ship and hang. Where would you want to go?
- Design a rocket from recyclables and consider the amount of energy it takes to get a rocket to the moon.
- Make a timeline for the Artemis program with visual images. How long does it take to train an astronaut, build a rocket, or build a launch pad? How long can an astronaut stay in space before they must return because of the effect of no gravity on the body?
- Make a tinfoil moon mixed media collage with paint and construction paper.
- Use geometric shapes to design a space station.
Create a spaceship by recycling a cardboard paper towel or toilet roll.

National Science Fiction Day celebrates the official birthdate of famed science fiction writer Isaac Asimov on Jan 2nd.

Engineering Our Way to the Moon
Why do you think engineers plan, create, test, and improve their designs over and over? Do you think it is a good idea to skip any step of the engineering design process? Have you ever used the engineering design process before? These are some of the questions that arise during the process of engineering our way to the Moon. Check out the videos below to get a better of idea of what this process includes.
Work in teams and compete with others to see how high a space launch you can make with only paper clips or playing cards. What skills did you and your teammates share to make this a success.
Lunar Base and Interior Design
One of the goals of the Artemis program is to establish a long-term presence around and on the moon by placing an orbiting station (like the international space station) and a lunar base. But, how do you build a lunar space? What do you need to take into account when designing one? What should the habitat be like? Check out this video that shows a kids-friendly demonstration of a similar process that NASA goes through for their lunar base establishment. Also, this planner that NASA has prepared has a more in-depth description about habitat planning.
Try out our 3-D Paper interior space station project and consider what you would need to live on the moon? Are there things you could bring that do not take up much space that could travel with you digitally like music, a photo of loved ones, a favorite poem, or an affirmation or a good luck charm? What would you miss?
Living in Space
Exploring the moon and space means that you have to survive and live in space, which is a challenging and complicated task to accomplish. How can we live in space? What are the three essential things humans need to live? What are the things on the International Space Station (ISS) that keep astronauts alive and healthy? How will keeping astronauts healthy and alive be different on a lunar base camp than on the ISS? Why are plants a good idea to have on the Moon? Why is recycling water essential on the Moon? How can the Sun be helpful or harmful on the Moon? These are only a few of the questions scientist need to answer to figure how to live in space. The videos below give you a better feel about what living in space looks like.