Week 8 – Cuties Spider and DIY Women’s Day Card from the kids


Good morning readers,

How is yours week going so far? Did you enjoy the last season snow and ready for the Spring/Summer? Last week, we (Olivia and me; Isa absented but the kids missed you, Isa) came up with some interesting projects for the kids at Shissler so they could prepare for the upcoming seasons. The spring/summer are the seasons for all of the kind growing/blooming after the long winter, including: plants, flowers, and bugs. So this week, we were going to craft the most scariest bug in the world, which is spiders but we did a little twist to make them more cuties by adding wiggly eyes to them. We cut the carton egg tray into individual egg cup and use the pipeline to create the long and hairy legs of the spider. After all, we provided the water color (purple) to let the kids coloring their own spiders. The next interesting project, we were making “the Heaviest Land Animal in the World” project from color foams and balloons. Did you figure out what kind of animal is? Yes. The elephant, interesting, right? The materials that we were using to craft the elephant were white Styrofoam for the base, color foam for the ears, color balloon, and glue stick. After awhile with the help from us and also site teachers, the kids successfully crafted their own elephants and could bring the elephant card back to home for their mom in the Women Day.

What should we do next?

Khai To