Sample post for ARTisPHL Application
Are you ready to go on new adventures? Well I am too!
Philly Phigurines is a community-based art project we hope to start this summer, working with ASI’s art program recreation center youth, where 50 clay sculptures representing environmental concerns will be placed throughout the city. These sculptures will be available for the public to take home and start their own art collections!
See the sculptures in local parks and recreation centers, made by artist Kristin Groenveld and inspired by youth, and read the stories students have written about each. Take a photo with an art piece, and take one home and share your story to be added here, by using this link.
Here is a list of places where you can find our sculptures:
We are excited to show everyone, including the children of Philadelphia, that it is always possible to create art and begin collecting art.
This program was generously supported by ArtisPHL.
Look for a tag on sculptures that say this:
“I am a sculpture made by artist Kristin G. working in collaboration with her students from
I am free for you to take home to add to your art collection. I just ask that you help share my story by sharing a picture of us or where you put me next on social media #ASI #PhillyFigurines made possible by #ARTISPHL , #loveartsphereinc or upload anonymously here:
Feel free to share your interpretation of me and find out what our students think about me at Your photo or story will be added here too! And look for my friends at other playgrounds and parks. There’s 50 of us wanting to find new homes, excited to travel.”