Printing Paint Patterns at Cione!

Project Title: Printmaking Pattern

Grade Level: Preschool

Vocabulary: Printmaking, markings

Materials: Foam boards, paint, paper, pop sickle sticks

Demo Directions:

  1. Distribute foam boards to the kids along with popsicle sticks. Let them use the sticks to make markings on the foam boards
  2. Once they are done, hand out paper and paints, let the kids apply the paints to the foam boards.
  3. Show the kids how to press the imprinted side down on paper, and let them begin printing.

This morning at Cione Recreation Center, the kids learned all about patterns! Miss Cara set up a fun first project that consisted of foam boards that the kids could scratch on to create patterns. After creating their foam patterns, they got to paint on the patterned side and pressing it down on the paper. The kids continued to repeat this process until they were happy with their work of art! Even though Miss Cara only intended on having the kids create one piece of work with their foam patterns, they enjoyed the printing process so much, we had to let them do two!

Our second project for the morning was short and sweet. We created small city landscapes out of paint strips and patterned fabric. The kids enjoyed the different textures that the patterns on the fabric gave!

All in all, it was an exciting, high energy day. Most of the kids already had so much knowledge about patterns! Today was slightly special because it seemed the kids truly enjoyed the process of pattern making.

The kids were so happy that they ended up hugging the teachers at the end of class!