Learn about Patterns and Printmaking!

Students at Cione and Fishtown got to experience printmaking firsthand. At the beginning of the class, I asked the students if they knew what printing was, and many kids talked about computer printers. The kids were excited when I told them that they would get to be printers.

I showed the kids how to draw patterns onto a foam board with a popsicle stick. Then they tried their hand at creating repeating patterns.

After finishing prepping their foam boards, it was time to paint. I explained that they had to cover all of the white spots while making sure not to glob the paint on.

When they finished painting, I showed them how to press their board onto paper to transfer the image.

The project was so successful that several students wanted to keep printing. I encouraged them to use different paint colors, and to make multiple prints on one sheet of paper. Some students layered their prints, while others chose to do one print per page.