Oil Pastel and Talouse Lautrec
Level: Middle School
Duration: Two 45-minute class periods
Historical Overview:
Goals and Objectives: To introduce figurative drawing styles by various artists and oil pastel techniques
Vocabulary: Oil pastel washes
Materials: Oil pastels, paper towel, water soluble oil pastels, Prang Payons water soluble crayons, water soluble pencils, brushes, containers, and black ink
Day 1
- Anticipatory Set: Show posters and books of images of different drawing by Talouse Lautrec.
- Slide lecture on history of figure drawing.
- Class discussion on artists.
- Review vocabulary.
- Demonstrate drawing techniques.
- Students create preliminary figure studies with ink washes and oil pastels.
Day 2
- Students set up palettes.
- Students transfer sketch onto colored paper.
- Students work on final drawing.
Day 3
- Students develop criteria.
- Students pick best drawing.
- Students critique drawings.