My First MLK Day Event!

This is Dorian here and I’m going to tell you what happened on MLK Day.

On MLK day, Art Sphere Inc. hosted an event to share our free online lesson plan book and resources with the public while volunteers prepped after-school program craft projects for children. We met in the large “Workshop” first floor events area, where I helped arrange tables and chairs. We set up each table with different things to do, such as hot gluing, cutting, and folding, etc.  By the time we were finished, we had over 70 volunteers, including children.

During the event, I went around the room giving directions for each project, answering questions, and explaining how projects would be used in the classrooms. One of these projects was cutting out hearts out of phone book pages for mixed media student collages. I also handed out cards for volunteers to decorate and write messages for veterans and senior citizens for Valentine’s Day. When the event was over, everyone helped out by cleaning up, breaking down tables and chairs, sweeping, and collecting projects.

This was my first time participating in MLK Day of Service and I was very excited to help out. Knowing that everyone was together talking and having fun while putting together craft projects for children made me feel happy. Making cards for the senior citizens and veterans was also very heartwarming. I feel happy knowing that the people receiving these cards will feel loved and appreciated.

I’m very happy to know that having an event like this is helping others.