Everyone is familiar with the concept of music. Music is a collection of instruments played to produce a harmony of sound, but there is so much more to it than just that! Music incorporates many subjects you may already be familiar with, such as math, language, history, reading, and even science!

Math: You may not realize it, but most songs follow a formula! Songs consist of chords and scales, which are patterns of sounds. There are also symbols, like sharps (#) and flats (♭) that change the pitch (or sound) of the piece. This is similar to how an addition sign may change an equation compared to a subtraction sign; both produce different answers. It is the same for music! The song may have the same chords but sound different because of the pitch!
Try out some of your own formulas here: Chord Player
Language: Music is made in every language imaginable! Music is communicated through chords, scales, and notes; which can be practiced by any musician no matter their native language. While the lyrics can be in different vernaculars, the notes are the same. This is why music can bring so many people from different cultures together! Some people even believe that music could bring about world peace if we allow it.

History: Music can incorporate history in so many ways! From medieval times music was form of story-telling. Bards would sing of ancient battles or great kings, and music today still does! “I’m Henry VIII, I am” by Herman’s Hermits is a jovial explanation of King Henry VIII of England and his many wives. Music can also act as a piece of history, such as a song reminding you of a specific year or era. Check out what was the most popular song from the year you were born and relive history here: Top Songs
Reading: Music is its own language, and reading is one part of language learning. Learning to read sheet music is often the first step in learning how to play a musical instrument. Sheet music is the transcribed notes to a song or melody, comprising notes and chords.
Reading lyrics from songs helps you memorize the words and get a better understanding of its meaning. Do you remember the first song you learned?
Science: Science is a huge part of music, and it is rarely recognized as such. Without science, you wouldn’t even be able to hear music. Science teaches us about frequencies and sound waves, which is how we hear music. The reverberation from instruments creates the pleasant sounds we know as music today.