Your destination: (objectives)
- Create a beehive with hexagons.
Travel kit: (materials)
- Glue, sharpie, hexagon tracer, oil pastels, two pieces of paper, scissors.
On the path
Step 1
- Do a tutorial on how to make a hexagon tracer.
Step 2
- Trace the hexagons on your paper with sharpie covering the whole page.
Step 3
- Color them all yellow, then go back and add black and brown to the edges to give more of a relative beehive look.
Step 4
- On a separate piece of paper make your bees. Cut them out and glue them to your beehive paper.
Group tour (how larger class can be involved as group projects)
- Watch a video on how bees live and maintain their hive.
Extend your journey
- Talk to the students about how the bees effect the ecosystem, and how a beehive works.
Learn new vocabulary
- Hexagon.