Alphabet Art Projects: The Letter V

Lesson: Create art projects that start with the letter V Recommended Ages: Preschool Vocabulary Letter V: a letter in the alphabet Volcano: an opening in the Earth’s crust with lava inside  Violin: stringed musical instrument Materials: Violin, Construction paper, String, Liquid, Water colors, Paint brushes, Single hole punch, Volcano, Construction paper, Glue, Cotton balls Directions Violin 1. Begin by cutting …

Bird’s Nests

Description: Students create bird’s nests out of recycled and nontraditional materials. A great way to talk about courage. Baby birds need courage to fly for the first. Project Ideas:courage, nontraditional materials, naturalistic Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: spring, insects, birds, nests Materials: For bird’s nest: …

Q is for Quilt – The Preschool Minnows Quilt Project

Project Title: Q is for Quilt Description: paper quilt making. Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: quilt, working on the letter Q Materials: Large construction paper, crayons, geometric shapes cut out of colorful paper, glue, real quilted blanket, and the book, The Quilt Story by Tony Johnston and Tomie dePaola. Anticipatory Set: …

Ribbit Ribbit: The Pre-school Minnows Create Origami Frogs!

Project Title: Origami Frogs Description: Teach students about frogs and their habitats. Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: frogs, origami. Materials: Large construction paper (white), regular construction paper (green, pink, yellow), crayons, scissors, paper flies, and frog sound videos. Anticipatory set: Fun facts about frogs! We started by discussing the life …

Chinese Lanterns Lesson Plan

Project Title: Chinese Lanterns, also see our translation 中國燈籠 Description: Create paper Chinese lanterns. Discuss usage of Chinese lanterns in celebrations around the world. Explore meaning and historical significance behind decorative ornaments. How different cultures show compassion through symbolism Project Ideas: compassion, multicultural, interpersonal Author: Alysia  Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary grades …

Learn How to Create an Origami Frog

Project Title: Origami Frogs, also see our translation 折紙青蛙 Description: Create diverse, paper origami frogs.Frogs are a symbol of perseverance. They wait patiently for flies Project Ideas: perseverance, patience, naturalistic, recycling Author: Alysia Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary grades 1-5 Historical Art Examples or References: Photos of different frogs in their habitats …