Bogus Body Parts

Description: Group-made drawing of a creature composed of insect or animal body parts individually drawn, similar to the games, Telephone, Pictionary, or whisper-down-the-lane.  Objective:Students get to experiment with a variety of materials and begin to share creativity while getting to know each other. Author: Kristin, edit by Blair Grade level …

Valentines for Soldiers and Senior Citizens

Card making is a great way for communities to connect. Valentine’s Day is a great holiday to let people without loved ones nearby know that they are still thought of and surrounded by others who care. Making cards is a wonderful way for participants to express themselves and experiment with materials …

Celebrating Chinese New Year

In art classes at Northern Liberties Recreation Center, students learned the Chinese Calendar animal associated with their birth year while gaining an appreciation for Chinese-American culture. They also heard about the nearly 15 days of celebration events that take place in Chinatown during every Chinese New Year!  Vocabulary: Stylized, symbolic color, ink, uniform …