Music Incorporates Language, History, Reading, and Science

Everyone is familiar with the concept of music. Music is a collection of instruments played to produce a harmony of sound, but there is so much more to it than just that! Music incorporates many subjects you may already be familiar with, such as math, language, history, reading, and even …

Jazz Paintings

As part of our overarching themes this session, we are aiming to include more music into the lessons for the summer and fall. Incorporating music into our lessons will help students relax and slow their heartbeats while encouraging them to concentrate more easily on the task at hand. Studies show that listening …

Use Recycled Materials to Create Musical Instruments (Art Lesson)

Project Title: Recycled Musical Instruments  Description: Use recycled materials such as plastic containers to make instruments. Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: band, music, individuality, uniqueness, rhythm, sound Materials: Recycled containers, such as plastic soda bottles, coffee to-go cups and lids, plastic containers, small cardboard …