Anansi the Spider: Story, Culture, and Crafts

Duration: 1 hour Level: K-8th ESL Vocabulary: “Anansi the Spider,” “Trickster,” “Legend,” “Traditional story,”  “Ashanti/Asante,” “Ghana” Objectives: To highlight the value and importance of stories, as well as the students’ own ability to shape their own stories Materials: “Anansi the Spider“, white lined paper, construction paper, googly eyes, white pipe …

Fantasy Handouts: Castles, Shields, Dragons, Crowns and Treasure!

Crowns Click here to download the PDF Duration: 45 minutes Level: K-8th ESL Objectives: To boost students’ self esteem by materially celebrating their unique skills and self-expression Vocabulary: “I am the King/Queen of ______.” Materials: White paper, scissors, staples, pencils, coloring materials Procedures: Cut an 8”x11” piece of paper into …

Free Lesson Plan: Clay Story Tellers

Clay Story Tellers Level: Elementary and Middle School Duration: Two 45-minute class periods Historical Overview: Indigenous Peoples in the Americas clay work Goals and Objectives: To introduce sculpting techniques Vocabulary: Positive and negative space, carving additive and subtractive methods, proportion, scale Materials: Clay, carving tools, wire and washer clay cutting …

Free Lesson Plan: Paper Making and Paper Casting

Paper Making and Casting Level: Elementary and Middle School Duration: Three 45-minute class periods Historical Overview: Japanese paper Goals and Objectives: To introduce the paper-making process and the importance of recycling paper Vocabulary: Deckle, pulp, cotton, recycling, molds, press, iridescent Materials: Paper-making screen, cover screen, drain rack, envelope pattern, botanicals, …

Illuminated Manuscripts: Writing as Art

Level: K-8 ESL Duration: 1-1.5 hours Educational overview: Illuminated manuscripts, connecting writing and art, Goals and Objectives: To connect art and writing, practice writing and spelling, Vocabulary: “My name is…” “I like to eat…” “My favorite _____ is…” “I have __ sister(s)/brother(s)” Materials: Construction paper books (construction paper, lined paper, …

Card Making

Exploring Card Making and Bookmaking (Projects can be Community Service, MLK or Valentine Holiday Related) Cards and Envelopes Vocabulary: Symmetry and asymmetry Materials: Glue, scissors, pencils/markers/colored pencils/crayons, card making and envelope making stencils or tracers Directions: The simplest method of making a card is folding a vertical format paper in …

Connecting Art and Literacy: Bugs and Books Project

Duration: 1 hour Level: K-3rd grade Materials: Pencils, erasers, and crayons Procedures: We started the books by folding and cutting them because we had limited time and wanted to offer most of it to encouraging our students’ creativity. We did the same for the bookmarks, cutting them so that our …