STEAM Book Handout: Make a Patterned Necklace

Using the selection of basic shapes, create your own unique, patterned necklace. Make sure to color in your shapes to add some additional flair to your new jewelry! Click here to download the PDF Click here for a full list of handouts

STEAM Book Handout: Measurement Scavenger Hunt

You don’t need a day outdoors or a big backyard for this scavenger hunt: everything you need to find is right at your fingertips. By investigating the measurements of different household objects, you can better learn how to use a ruler and improve your sense of scale! Click here …

STEAM Book Handout: Pie Party

Everyone loves a slice of pie. These circular foods are also a great way to practice your fractions. In the handout below, figure out the original amount of pie slices to indicate the remaining slices as a fraction. Click here to download the PDF Click here for a full …

STEAM Book Handout: Sheep Subtraction

Sheep are very productive animals. Every year, a sheep can produce 2 to 30 pounds of wool. That’s a lot of yarn! The handout below helps this farmer figure out how much thread he can take from the sheep in the following subtraction exercises. Click here to download the …


An Alternative Rock Genre coming from Seattle Washington, Grunge exploded in the early to mid-’90s as acts like Pearl Jam and Nirvana overtook the mainstream. Lyrics are typically angst-filled and introspective, often addressing themes such as self-doubt, neglect, betrayal, social and emotional isolation, psychological trauma, and a desire for freedom.  Using the handout at home, talk about the last …