Creatures of the Sea: Whales and Jellyfish

Project Title: Creatures of the Sea : Whales and Jellyfish Description: focuses on the widely different types of living creatures you can find in the ocean. Author: Candice Grade Level or Target Age Range : preschool Vocabulary: shape, size, color, krill, stingers, waterspout Materials: paper plates with a section cut off, …

Share the Journey!

“Creating Legacies through Art: Take an Art Journey” After a lot of hard work and generous help, we are excited to share “Creating Legacies through Art,” a book of free art lesson plans for anyone serving curious kids. The book is designed to provide teachers and families with free, approachable …

Meet Rebecca!

Hi there! My name is Rebecca Mah, and I recently graduated from Tyler School of Art with a degree in Graphic and Interactive Design. I am currently working full time as a graphic designer in center city but love helping out with Art Sphere in my free time. Although I …

Mother- Daughter Volunteers

ASI’s “Creating Legacies through Art” new art education book is the eighth creative project that my daughter Rebecca and I have collaborated on, and it’s been one of the most rewarding. In the past five years, we’ve worked together to create logos, posters and publicity for a murder mystery gala, an oral history project and for community reads to benefit public …