Print Making with Recycables

Description: Children are making plates out of recycled material to later make prints. Author: Liza Grade Level: Preschool to High School Historical Art Examples or References: N/A Vocabulary: Plates, Prints, recycle Materials: fabric, cardboard (textured and plain), thick cardboard, liquid glue, scissors Anticipatory Set: What are we going to make? …

John Heinz Event

The John Heinz event consisted of various activities children of all ages could take part in. The theme and environment was nature loving. Our table connected migrating animals, butterflies and bats, with the environment . Children were able to visually depict this relation by decorating pre-made cut outs of bats …

Bok Street Festival

The Bok Street Festival enabled learning through art for children of all ages. The table set up consisted of a chalkboard cloth and drawing handouts describing the Pennsylvania’s native fish, the Brook Trout. Each child was able to color both the fish and its habitat or was given the option …

Blend Away with Oil Pastels!

Project Title: Pastel Blending Description: Students make leaves and cornucopias with pastels Author: Francesca Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school Historical Art Examples or References: Images of the leaves and cornucopias Vocabulary: blending, highlights, pastels Materials: pastels, white paper, scrap paper Anticipatory Set: Discussion on blending Demo/Directions:  1. …

The Chameleon that found out he wanted to be himself!

 children draw self portraits and what they like. Then write what like as per their drawing. Author: Liza Grade Level or Target Age Range: Preschool to early elementary Historical Art Examples and References: “The Mixed-Up Chameleon”  By Eric Carle Vocabulary: circle, “u” Materials: glue, scissors, construction paper, lined paper Anticipatory …

Bok Post Open Studio

The Bok Post Open Studio event displayed art from the volunteers and children of Art Sphere to be admired by people interested in the arts and cause. Items ranging from ceramic bats to cork plants were sold to provide for the art boxes for the children at the school sites of …